Even if it is not Alsace, we can observe many nests of white storks on our territory. For this, head to the marshes of theGironde estuary ! They live there part of the year and their migrations can be followed using a smartphone application.

Return of white storks to our marshes

On the verge of extinction in France in the 1970s, the White Stork is now well distributed in different regions. In the 1990s, the species began to settle sustainably in the marshes of the Gironde estuary. Currently, Charente-Maritime is home to nearly 650 nesting pairs, including around forty on the banks of the Gironde estuary.

Since 2019, a partnership between BioSphère Environnement, an associative research institute, and the Centre d'Études Biologiques de Chizé (CNRS and University of La Rochelle) has made it possible to develop an innovative research program. This project aims to study the movements of adult White Storks using GPS tags in the context of global environmental changes (climate change, drying out of wetlands, etc.).

Le White Stork GPS Tracking Program is led by Raphaël Musseau, doctor in ecology and director of BioSphère Environnement and Christophe Barbraud, research director at the CNRS. The marshes of the Gironde estuary constitute a real open-air laboratory for the research work developed by the two researchers.

Since the project was launched in 2019, 19 white storks have been equipped with GPS tags. From sub-Saharan Africa to Spain or Morocco, these storks travel thousands of kilometers beyond our borders.

Tracking the migration of storks

40-gram GPS tags are attached around the legs of the White Storks. They then transmit data throughout the year:

  • geographical position,
  • altitude,
  • speed,
  • temperature…

This information allows us to:study bird movements on their breeding, migration and wintering areas. The results of the analysis of thousands of data collected provide valuable information on the health of ecosystems. We can thus observe how birds adapt to environmental changes.

White stork in flight at top speed

More than 16 km traveled and a top speed of over 000 km/h!

This research program also has an educational dimension. It allows the general public to follow the journey of storks equipped with GPS tags. To do this, simply download thesmartphone app : Animal Trackers. Many families and schools can therefore follow the adventures of the marsh storks of the Gironde estuary. The application offers a unique immersive experience with these migratory birds. We can already imagine following the travels of the stork Sybelle, who bred in Mortagne-sur-Gironde in 2023. From her departure in August 2022 to her return in February 2023 via Mali and Niger, she traveled more than 16 kilometers and her GPS tag recorded speeds of over 000 km/h!

Preserving a unique environment

The project to monitor White Storks using GPS tags is being carried out through a collective effort. The objective is to understand and preserve biodiversity to the challenges of climate change and habitat loss. Thanks to the GPS tags carried by these majestic White Storks, we can learn more about their migrations. In addition, it also helps raise awareness among the general public about the importance of wetland conservation that they frequent. By following their journeys from our smartphones, we all participate in a common adventure that allows us to understand the challenges of the major changes underway on the planet.

Meeting with Raphaël Musseau, director of BioSphère Environnement

We asked him a few questions to better understand the actions of BioSphère Environnement in our territory.

Why do white storks settle on the marshes of the Gironde estuary? What do storks eat?

The White Stork was able to establish itself permanently in Charente-Maritime thanks to the richness of its wet area but also thanks to an invasive species that it is now helping to regulate: Louisiana Crayfish.

How do you go about installing GPS tags on the storks' legs?

We capture adults in March, when they are looking for materials for nest restoration and construction. We make piles of branches and hay near the birds' nests. Then we capture them with large nets projected by small cannons activated remotely. The birds are then ringed, measured and equipped with a GPS tag clipped around the leg.

White stork preparing its nest

Tell us about the discovery tours that Biosphère Environnement organizes in Mortagne…

In addition to its research work, BioSphère Environnement is also very involved in many actions allowing the public, schools, etc. to discover the riches of the natural heritage of the Gironde marshes. In 2024, we proposed a quarantine of appointments to the public: discovery outings, conferences, etc. Each year, the catalog of proposed events can be downloaded from the association's website: www.biosphere-environment.com.

Support the White Stork research program

All information is available on the program presentation website.

Storks of Saintonge

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