Beginner or confirmed rider, the equestrian centers from Royan Atlantique support us all year round in our practice. They offer private or group lessons and courses adapted to each level. The youngest can start with a ride in poney, perfect for an initiation. Thanks to the equestrian centers and pony clubs in the region, we discover the pleasure of ride a horse safely. The group sessions allow us to progress together while the equestrian courses offer the opportunity to deepen our practice.
Want to discover the world ofriding ? We opt for a supervised horseback riding borrowing one of hiking routes marked. On the beach or in the forest, you can enjoy the magnificent landscapes of the region. Ideal for a first experience!
Why choose the Royan Atlantique Equestrian Centers?
By choosing one of our equestrian centers, we ensure that we benefit from a professional supervision, well-cared-for horses and ponies and many activities suitable for all ages and levels. Whether you are looking for a activity for children or an family equestrian experience, Royan Atlantique offers unique opportunities to enjoy horse riding in an exceptional setting.