Consult the public markets, deliberations and decrees of the Community Tourist Office Destination Royan Atlantique.

Public procurement – ​​calls for tenders

The Destination Royan Atlantique Community Tourist Office, created on January 1, 2017, aims to ensure the reception and information of holidaymakers, the promotion of Destination Royan Atlantique and the coordination of tourist actors in the territory.

Aware of the challenges of sustainable development, our Community Tourist Office is committed to an environmental approach. It contributes, on its own scale, to the preservation of resources and limits its impact on the environment. As part of its markets and tenders, the Community Tourist Office has decided to take a proactive approach. It thus integrates environmental considerations in order to collaborate with eco-responsible companies.

For contracts subject to dematerialized management, the documents made available to companies can be downloaded from the platform:

Deliberations – Orders


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