in Chenac-Saint-Seurin-d’Uzet

Maison Cochain & Fils

For several generations, Maison Cochain has operated a property in Chenac-Saint-Seurin-d'Uzet located on the hillsides bordering the Gironde.
This is where Pineau, Cognac, Cognac-based cocktails and liqueurs are made, as well as local Charentais wines with a popular specialty at parties, the Brûlot Charentais!

These favorable natural conditions combined with the know-how of Maison Cochain contribute to the development of our excellent products: white or rosé Pineau de Charentes, Cognac, cocktails and liqueurs, Vendée specialties, Vins de Pays Charentais as well as traditional methods.

We practice the reasoned fight.
Sale at the property.

Local products

Product Types

  • Spirits
  • Irouleguy
  • Liqueur wines
  • Cognac
  • Pineau

where to find our products?

Sale at the property

From 01/01 to 31/12/2024, every day.



Home animals

Pets are not accepted

Payment method

  • American Express
  • Bank / credit card
  • Cheque
  • Cash


110 route du Pineau
17120 Chenac-Saint-Seurin-d’Uzet
How do I get there?

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