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Itinéraire VTC N°11 – De Chaillevette aux Mathes

This easy route in the heart of the Arvert peninsula allows you to travel between Chaillevette and Les Mathes and connects the Chemins de la Seudre to the Vélodyssée at the port of La Palmyre in 16 km.


Stage of a circuit

Hard coating (tar, cement, floor)

From Chaillevette follow the DV beaconing (marked with dot N°11), leaving the Chemins de la Seudre route at the level of the "Route du Velours". This axis engages on the "Route des Mouillères" to reach the town at the level of the tourist train station of the "Train des Mouettes", then take the direction of Étaules. After crossing the town, the route descends towards the soft marshes of Saint-Augustin and Les Mathes, taking the greenway of the "Passe de l'Étang". The route then continues towards the entrance to the municipality of Mathes at the roundabout of "La Baraque" and connects to the axis N°10 - La Tremblade in La Palmyre.

Autumn, Summer, Winter, Spring

Located on shared lanes between Chaillevette and Étaules, the circuit then continues via greenways to the entrance to the town of Mathes.

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