in Mortagne-sur-Gironde

Sentier Détours N°2 – Mortagne-sur-Gironde

This Detour Trail allows you to discover the built and natural heritage of the town through its paths and marshes leading from the Estuary to the cliffs via the "Parcours Ville Basse".
From the old flour mill converted into a second-hand shop, to the postcard museum retracing the history of Mortagne-sur-Gironde, to the Belvédère viewpoint or even the Saint-Martial Hermitage, there are so many picturesque and unusual places that illustrate the richness of the landscapes.

In the middle of the marshes, the port of La Rive developed at the foot of the castle from the 11th century. At the time, the cliffs were still bathed by the waters of the Estuary. Subsequently, the progressive silting up of the coast created a channel that lengthened as the mud progressed. It is along this channel that we set off to then cross the marshes and skirt the dead cliff.

Route details

Mortagne sur Gironde
“Detour Trails” markings
Hard coating (tar, cement, floor)
Autumn, Summer, Winter, Spring


All year.

Linked offers

On the course…


Quai des Pêcheurs (départ)
Près de la rue de l’Hermitage
17120 Mortagne-sur-Gironde
How do I get there?
Public toiletsPicnic area.Pedestrian sportsTheme course / trail
DifficultySuitable for beginnersDuration01h34Elevation10 D- ​​/ 11 D+Distance8,0 km
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