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Sentier Détours N°2 – Cozes

Our towns and villages conceal many treasures... which are often ignored or avoided, hidden alongside the routes we take, far from the "direct" routes.



Marking "Detour Trails"

Autumn, Summer, Winter, Spring

Departing from the Tourist Information Office located in a bubble of greenery, the public garden, you will turn your back on the two lion heads that adorn the top of the pillars of one of the four gates that surround the garden to direct you towards the street of sighs.

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On the course

Sentier Détours N°1 – Cozes

Les Halles de Cozes

Detour Trail N°2 – Cozes

Distance: 4,8 km


Leave with your back to the two Far Eastern-inspired lions on the pillars of the gate. This garden has long demarcated the town of Cozes with the surrounding fields.

Step 2: The old Cozes school

The school was built at the beginning of the XNUMXth century, in the outbuildings of the old Guillon house, facing the public garden. The architecture is characteristic of the schools of the Third Republic, with a monumental facade, symbol of the new secular republican institution.
Go up Allée des Soupirs to take Rue des Écoles then turn right onto Rue Neuve to join Boulevard de Bonnes Nouvelles.

Ancienne école de Cozes dans le jardin public
thierry avan

Step 3: The cozillonne campaign

Leave the village via rue de Mombeuille, passing under the D730 to make a loop in the Cozillon countryside.
Between the Gironde and Seudre estuaries, this countryside is made up of fields (for cereals and oilseeds), vineyards and woods.

thierry avan

Step 4: The halls of Cozes

Return to the town center via Boulevard du Repos, Rue de la Cozillonne then Rue des Écoles.
Take rue des Halles on the left to discover the old market halls before returning to the starting point.

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