Sentier Détours N°1 – Chaillevette
Different woods border and delimit it. Despite its location, Chaillevette knows some reliefs including the highest point on this bank of the Seudre. The Train des Mouettes railway line crosses the town.
Route details
Detour Trail N°1 – Chaillevette
Distance:6,0 km
Your itinerary
The square faces the town hall and the village school. Go up the street to reach the old railway station.
Step 2: The Train des Mouettes workshops
The Trains & Traction association relies on the resumption of operation of the Train des Mouettes, with the support of the owner of the line, the Department of Charente
Maritime for the preservation of know-how, atmospheres and railway heritage. Volunteers from all over France bring a variety of experiences which allows training for the different positions to be held: workshop work, controller, train conductor, steam or diesel locomotive driver. The tourist train travels, with the oldest steam locomotive in France, on the “old oyster route” between La Tremblade and Saujon.
Take the path on your right for a route through fields.
Step 3: The hill of Beauregard
Here dominates the highest point of the left bank of the Seudre estuary. An orientation table allows you to enjoy the panorama. According to local legend, the castle of
Beauregard was a pirate den. They made the donkey “rock” by equipping the animal with fires to wreck ships and then plunder them.
Step 4: The port of Chatressac

Pass through a few inhabited streets to reach Place de Chatressac.
The Chatressac channel connects the town to the Seudre. A tidal mill was used to grind grain and clean the channel through its lock. Multi-colored cabins, typical of the oyster farming world, line it on one bank while the other opens onto the marshes.
On the left, follow the clearings between the port of Chatressac and the port of Chaillevette.
Step 5: The port of Chaillevette
Turn right to reach the church square. On the left, the cabins of the second port, that of Chaillevette, surround a more tortuous channel.
Step 6: Saint-Pierre church
It dates from the XNUMXth century. The current church replaces an earlier building that had become too small and was falling into ruin. Inside, an exvoto three-masted trading barque from the XNUMXth century, the Saint-Victor, hangs from the vault.
Further on, turn left to follow the railway line then reach the finish via several hamlets.
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