The coastal landscapes offer contrasting atmospheres. The long dune belt of the Côte Sauvage and the astonishing bay of Bonne Anse is one of them. Limestone cliffs and salt marshes are other examples. All belong to the Marine Nature Park which works for the knowledge of the environment and its preservation.

 The Marine Nature Park

Le Gironde and Pertuis Sea Marine Nature Park is a protected marine area of ​​6 km². It brings together the coastline of Charente-Maritime, Vendée and Gironde. Moreover, on Destination Royan Atlantique, it touches all of our coasts. It thus extends from the Seudre estuary to theGironde estuary passing through the Pertuis de Maumusson. The presence of remarkable natural resources and the multiple maritime activities are at the origin of its creation. 

The pertuis – shallow inland sea – and our two estuaries favor the presence of large bays. The vast mudflats, rocky tidal flats, sandy coasts and numerous special habitats (hermelle reefs, eelgrass beds, sea line, etc.) are feeding places. They also serve as spawning grounds and nurseries for many species. 

The Marine Nature Park is of major importance for fish living between fresh and salt water. It is home to essential feeding grounds for young sturgeons as well as many species exploited by fisheries. It's also an ornithological crossroads. The winter period is conducive to gatherings. A very large number of sea and coastal birds benefit from this rich and varied source of food.

Bonne Anse Bay

Located in the town of Les Mathes-La Palmyre, the bay of Bonne Anse was formed during the XNUMXth century following the disappearance of the island of Armot. Its formation is due to the confrontation between the Atlantic currents and those of the Gironde estuary. The ocean current, heavily laden with sand, slows down as it passes the Pointe de la Coubre. It therefore allows sand to deposit massively around and in Bonne Anse. 

The bay is thus in perpetual evolution. The sand gradually fills the cove. The passage which allows its filling according to the tides is increasingly narrow. While to the west, a tongue of sand more than 5 km long tends to close it. Currently, the bay of Bonne Anse is a sensitive area which covers more than 700 hectares. Mudflats and low vegetation are growing more and more at the bottom of the bay. This preserved natural space is classified as areas Natura 2000. It is a privileged place for the walker in love with nature.

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