Conches, dunes, marshes, forests… Surrounded by theGironde estuary,Seudre estuary and the Atlantic Ocean, Royan Atlantique offers a wide range of landscapes and natural spaces. Open to the public and crossed by hiking trails, these environments allow for beautiful walks with family or friends.

50 km of beaches and much more

The Royan coast owes its reputation first and foremost to its beaches. On 50 km of seaside area, our coast is also distinguished by the diversity of its bathing places. Renowned for its urban beaches, thanks to the boom in seaside resorts such as Royan, Saint-Georges-de-Didonne and Saint-Palais-sur-Mer, the coast of beauty presents other natural spaces conducive to seaside activities. natural beaches, these beaches surrounded by cliffs which are also called conches. They can be secret or hidden behind a pine forest.

Natural spaces - Dune wild coast

On its Atlantic coast, the territory also benefits from a beautiful stretch of fine sand: the Côte Sauvage. Faced with nature, the force of the wind shapes the beaches and the coastline over the years.

Preserved natural areas

The protected natural landscapes of the Pays Royannais represent more than a third of the territory among which 3000 ha are considered as Remarkable Natural Spaces on the coast.

The Gironde estuary, the largest and best preserved in Europe transports us to a unique universe.

Natural spaces - The bay of Bonne Anse

Natura 2000 areas also reveal landscapes of great beauty. It is from the sky that we admire the most beautiful views of the territory :

  • the marshes and estuary of the Seudre, favorite haunts of migratory birds
  • the Arvert peninsula and the bay of Bonne Anse, a preserved natural area that changes with the tides
  • the marshes and cliffs of the hillsides of the Gironde.

The Combots, Coubre and Suzac forests constitute the green lung of the region for sensory experiences and walks.

In our territory, the Natural marine park of the Gironde estuary and the Pertuis sea watches over this exceptional natural heritage along our coast. Rich in exceptional flora and fauna, the Royan area is full of natural treasures.

So let’s set off to discover these preserved natural spaces

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