
Exposition – HORS CIRCUIT – Entre art et architecture

Sunday February 09 at 14:30 p.m.
Espace d'Art Contemporain 19 Quai Amiral Meyer Voûtes du Port 17200 Royan
The project for the Hors circuit exhibition seeks to explore the hidden architecture of places, revealing the elements that make up the internal networks of buildings – electrical circuits, pipes, conduits, etc.
These elements, usually hidden behind walls and framed by strict standards, leave their ordinary paths to invade the exhibition space in sculptural and ornamental installations, breaking the functional logic, while preserving the symbolic memory of their technical role. In these installations, cables, frames, pipes therefore leave their strictly ordered organization to take unexpected paths. The exhibition explores the question of deviation with technical elements that change status to become autonomous sculptures, endowed with their own life and trajectories. Here again Estelle Deschamp strives to rediscover the construction materials that surround us by playing with their intrinsic plastic qualities and placing them as an aesthetic subject.

Dates and times

From 08/02 to 30/03/2025, every Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday from 14 p.m. to 30 p.m.

Admission fees


Access map


Espace d'Art Contemporain
19 Quai Amiral Meyer
Voûtes du Port
17200 Royan
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