
Théâtre musical – "Parpaing"

Saturday April 26 at 20:30 p.m.
Salle La Pléiade 35 chemin de Sable 17750 Étaules
Who benefits from family secrets?

This is the main question of “Parpaing”, Nicolas Petisoff’s first text.
The actor tells his story. That of a child who, no matter what happens, wakes up in the morning because there is bound to be a tomorrow. That of a young adult who must decide how to present himself to the world because you have to be someone. That of a young gay man in a small town in central France. From stage to stage we accompany this man in the making, who builds his identity, block by block.

But what happens when what we choose to be no longer fits with the reality we discover?

Duration: 1h10
From 15 years

Artistic distribution:
Nicolas Petisoff

Dates and times

Saturday 26 April 2025 at 20 am.

Admission fees

Admission feesMin.Max.
Full price
20 €Not disclosed
Reduced price

10 €Not disclosed
Further information) :
Resort Pass: €16

Reservation information

Information and reservations from the Royan Atlantique Tourist Offices


Minimum age required: 15 years

Access map

From 20 € / adult


Salle La Pléiade
35 chemin de Sable
17750 Étaules
How do I get there?

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