
Concours de dessin manga comics

Saturday February 15
Bibliothèque 4 Rue des 14 et 15 Avril 1945 17640 Vaux-sur-Mer
Offered by the Vaux-sur-Mer library in partnership with the Pôle Enfance Jeunesse, the Vaux-sur-Mer elementary school, the Emile Zola college and the Henri Dunant college.
Offered by the Vaux-sur-Mer library in partnership with the Pôle Enfance Jeunesse, the Vaux-sur-Mer elementary school, the Emile Zola college, the Henri Dunant college.

Theme: a “manga” style drawing
Format of your choice – color or black and white (must not stop at the sketch).

Date of submission of drawings: no later than Tuesday February 18, 2025 at the Vaux-sur-Mer library (if the library is closed, leave your work with the registration form in the exterior book box in an envelope or a transparent pouch).

Wednesday February 19, 2025 at 15 p.m.: competition prize ceremony
A reward will be awarded to the first three in each category.

This competition is open to everyone.
Three categories: 8-10 years / 11-13 years / 14-16 years.

Registration required at biblio@vaux-atlantique.com


  • Drawing

Dates and times

From 06/01/2024 to 19/02/2025, every day.

Admission fees


Access map


4 Rue des 14 et 15 Avril 1945
17640 Vaux-sur-Mer
How do I get there?

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