
Spectacle intéractif – Bernard Werber : "Voyage intérieur"

Saturday June 14 at 20:30 a.m.
Salle La Pléiade 35 chemin de Sable 17750 Étaules
Here is an invitation to a new kind of journey.
Sitting quietly in your theater seat your mind goes
open doors that lead to amazing and wonderful territories.

The writer Bernard Werber (author of The Ants, The
Thanatonauts and the Prophecy of the Bees), accompanied by the
harp by Vanessa Francoeur, offers you five meditations
guided to know yourself better, remember who you were and discover who you will become.

The show is a direct experience with the entire audience. More than just entertainment, the “Inner Journey” is an interactive moment that teaches you in a fun way some secrets about yourself that you don’t know or… that you have forgotten.

Duration: 2 hour
From 12 years

Artistic distribution:
– Bernard Werber (Writer, Author)
– Vanessa Francoeur (Harpist)

Dates and times

Saturday 14 June 2025 at 20 pm.

Admission fees

Admission feesMin.Max.
Full price
25 €Not disclosed
Reduced price

12,50 €Not disclosed
Further information) :
Resort Pass: €20

Reservation information

Information and reservations from the Royan Atlantique Tourist Offices


Minimum age required: 12 years

Access map

From 25 € / adult


Salle La Pléiade
35 chemin de Sable
17750 Étaules
How do I get there?

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