
Exposition – Chantal Birgi

Monday, July 28
Seudr'Expo La Grève – Port de La Tremblade 17390 La Tremblade
Exhibition of enamels on copper, sculptures and jewelry
After exploring different means of artistic expression (tempera, oil, pastel wood carving and watercolor), I finally chose enamel on copper because of the richness of its colors and the variety of techniques used (raised field, cloisonné, painted enamel), it is each time a beautiful discovery.
I draw my inspiration from my travels and of course from the island of Oléron where I stay regularly.
I like to share my work by explaining to visitors the techniques of enamel on copper.
I plan to exhibit paintings, jewelry and sculptures in enamel associated with different materials (driftwood, stone, etc.) as well as watercolors and pastels.

Grande Salle
Free admission


  • Painting

Dates and times

From Monday July 28 to Sunday August 3, 2025.

Admission fees

Free admission

Access map


La Grève – Port de La Tremblade
17390 La Tremblade
How do I get there?

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