
Concerts "Podium Parias"

Wednesday July 02 at 19:00 a.m.
Podium Parias 36 Quai de l'Estuaire 17120 Mortagne-sur-Gironde
Every Wednesday in July and August from 19 p.m., the Hangar du Port offers free concerts at the Podium Parias on the port.
In case of bad weather, retreat to the Parias Frères room.

Dates and times

From 02/07 to 30/07/2025, every Wednesday at 19 p.m.

From 06/08 to 27/08/2025, every day at 19 p.m.

Admission fees

Accès libre

Reservation information

Limited places

Access map


Podium Parias
36 Quai de l’Estuaire
17120 Mortagne-sur-Gironde
How do I get there?

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