
Exposition – Jean-Michel Fourtane

Monday June 16
Seudr'Expo La Grève – Port de La Tremblade 17390 La Tremblade
Exhibition of photographs
Jean-Michel FOURTANE, resident of Marennes for ten years.
Fell into photography at the age of 14 with a Foca Sport Néoplar as his first camera.
Followed different clubs while being independent in my choices.
My shooting style reflects life as I discover it.
Animal photographs in the Coubre forest and marsh birds, as well as anything that interests me.

Great room
Free admission

Dates and times

From Monday June 16 to Sunday June 22, 2025.

Admission fees

Free admission

Access map


La Grève – Port de La Tremblade
17390 La Tremblade
How do I get there?

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