From forests to wild banks, from marshes to vineyards, from dunes to cliffs… Royan Atlantique is full ofnatural spaces. During a stay, we reconnect with nature thanks to suspended moments in 4 sublime places to disconnect from everyday life.

seudre disconnection
thierry avan


La Seudre: canvas of salt marshes and clearings

At the pace of the paddle, we discover the Seudre estuary and its wild landscapes.

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drill disconnect
thierry avan


La Coubre Forest, a veritable green lung

We take one of the many routes in the heart of the forest massif. We breathe and we take the time to listen to the nature that surrounds us.

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disconnection good handle
thierry avan


The preserved area of ​​Bonne Anse Bay

Over the seasons and tides, the different faces of Bonne Anse Bay are surprising. The moment is favorable to observe the fauna and flora evolving.

Bonne Anse Bay and the Marine Nature Park

wizengamot disconnection
thierry avan


Mageloup: a patchwok of green hillsides

Along the hillsides of Gironde, a road leads out of time. We are faced with a landscape of "little Tuscany".

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